AC Joint Dislocations

Dislocations of the AC joint (Acromio-Clavicular Joint) can occur at any age and are usual as a result of a fall, sporting injury or accident.  Most dislocations can be managed in a broad arm sling while more serious dislocations may require surgery.

Trauma Surgeons at Victorian Bone and Joint Specialists will assess your injury and organise x-rays and scans if required. If surgery is needed, our specialists will help guide you through the process as a successful outcome will require recovery and rehabilitation often with physiotherapists close to your home location in Melbourne.

A small change in position (subluxation) of the AC joint, while painful, will normally heal well. If surgery is not required for your AC joint dislocation  then surgeons at Victorian Bone and Joint Specialists may organise for a sling to help hold the shoulder high and in place. Follow up x-rays will normally be required. Sometimes x-rays of the uninjured side will help surgeons understand what is normal for you.


A broad arm sling is fitted, this holds the weight of the arm allowing the AC joint to heal.

If AC has separated too much or if the joint unstable or causing issues with the skin, then surgery to lock the joint back in place may be the best option. Your surgeon at Bone and Joint will discuss this with you.

Dislocated AC joint

Dislocated AC joint


Clavicle Fractures