Pre-Operative Information.
The day of surgery.
Take your usual morning blood pressure and heart medicines with a sip of water. Ask your surgeon or the pre-procedure nurse about any other medications you take.
Do not wear any make-up on your face or around your eyes on the day of surgery.
Do not wear any fingernail polish. If you have acrylic nails, remove the acrylic and polish.
Wear your glasses instead of contacts on the day of surgery. If you must wear your contacts the day of surgery, bring a container for your lenses.
All jewellery must be removed, including all body piercing jewellery.
Wear comfortable clothing, preferably a button-down shirt.
Night before surgery.
Take nothing by mouth after midnight the night before your surgery or six hours prior to surgery. This includes not drinking any liquids, eating food, chewing gum, having a mint or smoking cigarettes.
Adults can shower or bathe the night before surgery, or on the morning of surgery. Do not swallow any water.
24 hours before surgery.
Do not smoke or drink alcohol 24 hours prior to surgery.
Do NOT shave your surgery site
One week before surgery.
Avoid non-prescription products containing aspirin and/or aspirin-like compounds. This includes NSAID (anti-inflammatory) analgesics.
Avoid prescription AND non-prescription products containing Ibuprofen.
Avoid prescription AND non-prescription products containing Naproxen sodium
Avoid Vitamin E. We also recommend not taking some natural herbs, such as St. John’s Wort, Ginko, Ginger, Biloba and Feverfew.
General instructions before surgery.
Talk with your nurse or anaesthetist about a light breakfast if your surgery is scheduled for later in the day.
If you are having an outpatient procedure, you must arrange for a responsible adult to take you home and stay with you.
You may want to bring pillows or blankets for your trip home.
If you develop a cold, persistent cough, fever or any other health-related problems, or if you need to cancel your surgery, please notify our staff as soon as possible (greater than 1 week is preferable).
You have the right to expect appropriate pain control. We may not be able to rid you of all your pain, but we can lower your pain to a level you can handle. Your anaesthetist and surgeon will prescribe analgesics to keep you comfortable.
Children under the age of 12.
Take nothing by mouth after midnight the night before surgery or 6 hours prior to surgery if in the afternoon.
This includes not drinking any liquids, eating food, chewing gum etc.Wear comfortable clothing, preferably a button-down shirt. Bring extra underwear or nappies for young children. If they are taking a bottle, bring one empty bottle and one with their usual formula. It is suggested that you bring a security item with them, such as a favourite toy or blanket.