Wrist Fracture Treatment


Fractures of the wrist are very common.  Some fractures can be managed in a cast but most serious fractures of the wrist (distal radius) require surgery.


Trauma surgeons at Victorian Bone and Joint Specialists will assess your injury and organise x-rays and scans if required. If surgery is needed, our specialists will help guide you through the process as a successful outcome will require recovery and rehabilitation often with physiotherapists or a hand therapist. Some fractures will still need a cast after surgery and other types of fractures can be managed in a brace.


Non-operative management

A simple crack in the bone, while painful, will normally heal well. Surgeons at Victorian Bone and Joint Specialists will immobilise the wrist and often advise treatment with a specialist wrist brace or cast. Follow up x-rays will be required.

Surgical management

If the broken bone has moved too much or if there is instability of the wrist and hand surgery to lock the bone back in place maybe the best option. Sometimes bone graft is also required. Your surgeon at Bone and Joint will discuss this with you.

Risks associated with surgery

There are risks with surgery. These include infection, delayed healing or no healing of the bone. Sometime surgery to remove screws or the plate is required in the future. Arthritis of the wrist may occur as a result of this injury.

Post-operative management

Discharge home

After your surgery you will stay in hospital overnight and can be discharged the following day with pain relief tablets.

Pain relief

After surgery it is normal to have some pain or discomfort. The amount of surgery you have had will influence how much pain you can expect and how long you will need pain relief for. You will be given pain relief tablets to take home with you when you leave the hospital. Take these over the few days as you need.

Looking after the backslab

There will be a dressing over the surgical incision on the front of the wrist. You will have a bandage or half cast (backslab) made of plaster. This helps to keep the wrist still while it heals.

You will need to keep the plaster and bandage clean and dry. A sling will be given to help hold the wrist elevated and keep you comfortable.

Do not get the backslab wet. If showering, use a bag to keep it dry.

Movement after surgery

You can move your fingers and elbow straight away, but wear the sling provided for most of the day. The sling helps to take the weight of your arm to let the wrist rest.

It is a good idea to keep moving even after your surgery, it helps your blood circulation and stops your body getting too weak. Avoid any strenuous activity for the first 2 weeks, but gentle walking and exercise is helpful

When you are resting or sleeping try to keep the wrist elevated on a pillow.

Wound review

After 2 weeks you will have an appointment with your surgeon to have your wound checked, any stitches will be removed.  The team will give you advice on exercises and physiotherapy.

Looking after your splint

At the two week review, your specialist may be switch the plaster to a wrist splint.

The team will advise you on how long the splint will need to stay on for.


Physiotherapy or hand therapy can be helpful to get your wrist and hand moving and strong again, but do not start this until you have had your appointment at 2 weeks.  


You cannot drive until you have had your first review appointment. Your specialist will give you an indication when you are likely to be able to drive again

Returning to work

This depends on the type of surgery you have had and the type of work you do. Most surgeries will need 2 weeks off work, some will require longer, especially if you have a manual job

When to contact us

If you have any of these problems, please call our rooms on 03 5752 5020

  • Fever

  • Heavy bleeding or ooze from the wound

  • Increased swelling and redness around the surgery site

  • Pain in the calf muscles or difficulty breathing


Wrist Fracture Rehab