Kneecap Stabilisation Rehabilitation

Home > Condition & Treatment Map > Knee Conditions & Treatments > Patella Stabilisation (MPFL Reconstruction)

Post-operative management

Movement after surgery

You can move your foot, ankle and hip straight away after surgery. Your knee will slowly be able to bend in the days that follow your operation.

Often a hinged knee brace will be applied to stop the knee bending too much. It is a good idea to keep moving even after your surgery, it helps your blood circulation and stops your body getting too weak. Avoid any strenuous activity for the first 2 weeks, but gentle walking and exercise is helpful.

Rehabilitation Protocol: MPFL Reconstruction

PHASE 1: <2 Weeks Post Op

In this phase the focus is upon inflammation control:

·         Analgesia, weaning off opiate based medications

·         Hinged Knee Brace at 0° Extension

·         Ice

·         Elevation

·         Static Quadricep Exercises, straight leg rasies, ankle exercises,

·         Weight bearing as tolerated in extension with crutches

PHASE 2: 2-6 Weeks Post Op

The focus in Phase 2 is upon Quadricep control and strengthening:

·         Crutches to continue, but wean from 2 -4 weeks

·         Hinged Knee Brace 0-45°

·         Drop and Dangle Knee range of motion exercises 0-90° on the side of a bed

·         Closed chain knee flexion exercises

·         Proprioception, balance and co-ordination exercises

·         NO Hamstrings activity until 8 weeks post op

PHASE 3: 6-12 Weeks Post Op

In Phase 3 the focus is upon re strengthening the quadricep muscle, regaining range of motion, and walking without crutches.

·         Road cycling without clips or cleats

·         Cardiovascular fitness

·         Swimming: freestyle and pool, but NO breast stroke until 3 months

·         No deep squats/lunges if degenerative chondral changes

PHASE 4: >12 Weeks Post Op

After 12 weeks, agility and sports resumption can occur:

·         Running

·         Sports specific retraining

·         Aim to return to sports when 85% hop for height, length and cross over, and 80% strength of non-involved limb


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