Fractured Tibia Treatments
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Tibial fractures are relatively uncommon injuries. Some fractures can be managed in a plaster cast but most serious fractures of the tibia require surgery.
Trauma Surgeons at Victorian Bone and Joint Specialists will assess your injury and organise x-rays and scans if required. If surgery is needed, our specialists will help guide you through the process as a successful outcome will require recovery and rehabilitation often with physiotherapists close to your home location in Melbourne.
Normal tibia
Fractured tibia
Tibia fixed with surgery
A simple crack in the bone, while painful, will normally heal well. Surgeons at Victorian Bone and Joint Specialists will immobilise the leg and often advise treatment with a cast. Follow up x-rays will be required.
If the broken bone has moved too much or if there is instability of the ankle or knee surgery to lock the bone back in place maybe the best option. Your surgeon at Bone and Joint will discuss this with you.
Fractured tibia
Scan showing fracture
X-rays showing healing
Once fixed, you may be able to begin to move the ankle and knee under the instruction of your surgeon. Placing weight on the leg will depend on the type of fracture you have and how it needed to be fixed.
There are risks with surgery. These include infection, delayed healing or no healing of the bone. Sometime surgery to remove screws, nails or a plate is required in the future.