Clavicle Fractures

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Fractures of the collar bone (clavicle) or dislocations of the AC joint can occur at any age and are usually a result of a fall. The clavicle is the most commonly fractured bone in the body. Some fractures or dislocations can be managed non operatively while others may require surgery.


Surgeons at Victorian Bone and Joint Specialists will assess your injury and organise x-rays and scans if required. If surgery is needed, your specialist will help guide you through the process as a successful outcome will require recovery and rehabilitation often with physiotherapists close to your home location in Melbourne.


Non-operative management

A simple crack in the bone, while painful, will normally heal well. A sling is usually required.

Surgical management

Some fracture patterns require an operation for optimal healing and functional outcomes. Typically, this involves a plate and screws being inserted to unite the bone. Our specialists can assess your particular fracture and determine if surgery is required.

When to contact us

If you have a clavicle fracture and would like to speak to our specialists, call the rooms on 03 5752 5020